
Auto Show Home Sponsors  Awards Show Visitors Participants Registration

Sunday, May 19, 2024
1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Pre-Registration Check in:  10:00 AM-12:00 Noon
Day of Show Registration: 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM


The registration fee is considered a donation to Ambler Main Street, an IRS 501(c)3 organization and may be tax deductible. Please check with your accountant.  One registration form per donation please.

The relaxed atmosphere of our show allows owners to mingle with friends and visitors and spend time catching up on what happened over the winter. Please take a look at our awards page to see how everything works. The judge’s decisions are final.

Please note, that while we love our little town, it can only safely accommodate 300 vehicles. We will therefore cap the show at 300. While we hate to turn anyone away, it is our first priority to ensure the integrity of our parking spots so that each vehicle has ample space to keep things safe and enjoyable.

Check in begins at 10:00 AM at Butler Avenue and Race Street (closes at 12:00 PM).  The earlier you arrive, the better your position in the show. Entrants who are registered will be directed to an express line where they will receive a prepared show packet with documents.

Day-Of-Show Registration will then open at 12 Noon. All registration will close at 1pm or when we reach capacity of 300 vehicles. Exhibitors registering the day of the show will need to complete a registration form, then be logged in before receiving credentials. Once checked-in, you will be directed to your spot.

Vehicles trailered to the show should be unloaded prior to check-in. Staff will direct you to trailer parking.

We will continue to streamline registration and parking. We appreciate you bearing with our volunteers as they always do their best. We have a thorough plan set in place to speed up the process so that you can enjoy the festivities sooner!

We do our best to ask visitors to respect each vehicle and not to touch anything without the owner’s permission. However, when it comes to the security of your vehicle, you alone are responsible. We encourage “Don’t Touch” signs to prevent damage. The Ambler Auto Show, its volunteers and staff, the Borough of Ambler and Ambler Main Street will not be responsible for any damage incurred at the show, so please remember, you are your vehicle’s best line of defense .

Feel free to bring some chairs, just don’t block the sidewalk. No alcohol please, unless served in one of our restaurant’s approved areas. “FOR SALE” signs are NOT permitted.

After awards are presented, we ask that you leave promptly so that we can clean the street and return normal traffic flow. Burnouts may result in expulsion, loss of awards and the inability to register in future shows. Safety is our first priority and anyone operating a vehicle recklessly at the show should expect to be prosecuted by the Ambler Police.

NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES according to Ambler Borough Ordinance. The Ambler Main Street Committee is not responsible for loss, damage or injury to participants or cars on the day of the show.

Always an exhibitor favorite, Ambler Auto Show shirts will be available on show day. We have a limited amount, so if you wish to insure getting a shirt, it’s a good idea to purchase early from our show table.



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Because Ambler has the busiest train station on the R5 rail line, we use meters for regulating parking. When commuters park their cars all day in the downtown, they take spaces away from our shoppers and visitors. The meters will help free up convenient spaces for shoppers and other visitors. That's the why of meters, now here's how to take advantage of them:

247 spaces in the three Borough lots
146 spaces on the street within one block of downtown.

On Lindenwold at Butler Ave., Cavalier at Butler Ave., and Butler at the Train Tracks

One dollar buys you 1 hour of parking on all meters.  You can pay for up to 2 hours with either coins or the Flowbird APP on your smart phone.