What would a trip to Ambler be without the culinary delights offered by the local restaurants? Several of the Ambler area restaurants will be offering tasty food on the go as well as outdoor table service. There will also be a beer garden, a wine tent and street fair style food vendors.
The festival will be on Butler Avenue in charming downtown Ambler. There will be a large musical component to the festival again this year with music all day and into the evening. Ambler festivals are extremely well attended; it’s the best of both worlds, wonderful exposure in a quaint small town setting!
If you are interested in participating as a Food Vendor, please complete the application form and include all requested information with signature. Mail payment along with completed application to Ambler Main Street / Art and Music Festival, PO Box 36, Ambler, PA 19002, no later than April 15, 2015.
Food Vendor Application
If you have trouble downloading the application or have any questions please contact, Liz Wahl Kunzier at liz@amblermainstreet.org.