Due to the Covid-19 pandemic all events are subject to change. We will adhere to CDC and PA Department of Health guidelines in hosting and attendance at all events.
Join us at the “The Best Little Car Show Around”! See our dedicated Auto Show pages for details and more information.
Butler Avenue will close for the event from Lindenwold Avenue to Main Street on May 18th so that more than 200 classic cars and their owners can compete for a litany of prizes. The show takes place from 1 – 6 p.m. to welcome families and folks who can stroll down the Avenue, go to the restaurants and shops or grab a bite from one of the local food trucks which will be parked along Ridge Avenue for this special celebration.

Visit us on Facebook for detailed information.
(Rain or Shine)
Please note we are following CDC and Dept. of Health guidelines for attendance and hosting of this event.
If we need to cancel, postponed or modify this event we will post the updates here.